FIVE low-stress study tips for finals

  • I am in finals now and with the stress that finals bring I thought there might be someone else in my same boat. I graduated from high school in 1982, went to two years of college and got married. A wonderful 30+ years and six amazing children happened in between, and it seems like I have been going to school forever. (I think I am almost over the limit for # of colleges attended)… but I am finally going to graduate in May! I have to say that me getting my degree has everything to do with my mom pushing me to finish. She has been an amazing support to me. I told her I wished there could be two people walk across the stage to pick it up, she certainly would deserve to do that! I will probably cry a river when it finally happens, but until then, it’s the stress of finals and all they bring. So I hope you aren’t too stressed out and enjoy these tips… and most of all, stay with it, don’t take 30 years like me.
    p.s. I am going to be a school teacher when I grow up!

    December 12th, 2012 | 4 Comments |

4 Responses and Counting...

  • Tami 12.12.2012

    Hey, me too – I’ve decided that enough is enough and I’m going to wrap up school this spring and get my degree finished. I’m a year older than you, btw. So good to find another old broad still trying to grow up. Cheers!

  • Ha! thanks for the comment – We graduate together! Good luck to you!

  • So awesome sister!!! You are are never to old to grow up, learn or graduate and the growing up might even be optional!! CONGRATULATIONS and more to follow in May!

  • Thanks Laura! you inspire me!!

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