A new home for red lettuce

  • I was in Wal-mart a few days ago and I saw some red lettuce that I thought would be perfect for my lettuce bed. I usually go through the garden center and check to see what they have. Today I noticed that their shipment of grapes and blueberries were in. We are trying to sell our home, so I am not going to add any fruit bushes to my garden. I planted the red lettuce in the box with the other lettuce plants I rescued a few weeks ago. It has been a wet dreary week here in the Houston area, so I am hoping for some sunshine fast. My plankets were so wet, I finally shook them out and moved them to my garage to dry out.

    It’s been a busy week with my college kids still home and the kids out of school. We saw Les Mis and I loved it! I had never read the book or seen the play so it was a surprise to me. My favorite line in the movie was, “To love somebody is the see the face of God.” It has a great message so go and see it if you can. My real life starts back up on Monday and I am not sure I am ready yet. I have loved this Christmas vacation! I am about to begin my last semester of college which includes a full-time student teaching job. I can’t wait to be a teacher someday! Also, I had a green smoothie from my garden today and loved picking fresh greens. I picked kale and swiss chard. I can’t wait until my spinach gets bigger! I am drinking green smoothies and running every day to meet my New Years’ resolution to lose 30 pounds. I want to lose it by May 11th, that is when I graduate from college. I will keep you posted on my progress!

    January 6th, 2013 | No Comments |

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