Flowering broccoli
I almost pulled out my broccoli plants a month ago, but I just let them keep producing shoots and this week they all flowered. They were so pretty! Bees were all over them and I found out from Donna Faye (Sweet Organic Solutions) that you can eat the flowers! So Saturday, I got my last broccoli harvest before pulling them out and planting six new broccoli plants.
I made a delicious stir fry with peas, kale, one tiny red bell pepper, green onions and broccoli. Everything was from my garden! yeah! When I stir-fry veggies, I get the pan really hot, put in some coconut oil, and throw in the veggies. There is an art about stir frying, and it is adding the vegetables in the order that it takes them to cook. I learned this from my good friend Eva, she is an amazing cook! I started with the onions and added peas and the kale. I then added the peppers and after stirring and searing what was in the pan, I added the broccoli, salt and pepper. When the broccoli goes in, I add a little water and cover it to steam the broccoli.
I love my garden and eating from it too! I kinda get obsessed when I take pictures of broccoli. I just think it is the neatest looking vegetable, so here’s to my Saturday harvest and many more to come.
If you are new to my blog and want to know about my story and the benefits to my way of gardening, click here.
Also, check old posts to see what I grow. Come and garden with me! I think you will enjoy it as much as me! In this economy, it just makes sense to grow your own food.
everything that went in my stir fry