Leeks and my field of seed pods
I planted leeks and onions back on this date and I have loved having fresh onion tops. I regularly cut the tops off to cook with and they grow back. I pulled all my leeks today as they had all gone to seed. I didn’t really think much about it, I just kept taking pictures thinking they were so pretty, not realizing that they might be bitter and no longer worth eating. The learning curve in action! I am glad to learn about seeding leeks so next time I plant leeks, I will pass on all the pretty pictures and pull them as soon as I see the first seed pod.
A good friend gave me some sweet yellow onion seeds and I am going to plant them this week as well as some new leek seeds. I will rotate the onion bed and plant something else there, maybe more okra. If you are interested in learning about leeks here is an article about leeks going to seed that I found helpful.
I also have a big patch of egyptian walking onions that are ready to walk. I am going to give them away to a friend that wants them, I don’t want them to walk and grow in my raised beds. I have loved learning and watching my onion patch, as I haven’t bought onions in a long time. I am excited to plant new yellow sweet onions, and I am also grateful for friends that share seeds with me!
If you are new to my garden site, here are the benefits of gardening the Raised Urban Garden way and feel free to click around and see what else I grow.
this is a bulb that is forming at the top of an egyptian walking onion. it will be a gift for a friend, she is excited to get them