Mystery green bean name solved: Rattlesnake

  • For Thanksgiving my family had the best green bean dish but I was curious as to why the beans I grew had a purple stripe on them. I mentioned it in this post and never looked into it. I was in Sweet Organic Solutions and mentioned to Donna Faye about them. She asked what they looked like and said that they sound like the rattlesnake variety. I checked when I got home in my seed box and sure enough the seeds I had bought from her said rattlesnake on the label. She has shelves of jars of seed and she scoops them up by the teaspoon or tablespoonful and sells them. I had asked for green beans when I bought the seeds, and had never heard of the rattlesnake variety. We loved the taste of them and will for sure plant them again. I love that they are the vine type of bean because my trellis is waiting to be covered with something. I will let you know when I plant them again.

    January 8th, 2013 | No Comments |

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