Water reflections
I spent today on my college campus getting trained for my final semester of college as a student teacher. I can’t wait to graduate and after over 30 years of on and off college, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had a great day and it made me excited to teach someday. I got trained on all the ins and outs of student teaching: what to wear, how to teach, and how to get hired as a teacher. I am going to graduate from Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches this May. The campus is beautiful with tall pine trees and big oaks all over. I took a picture of a statue of Stephen F. Austin and loved the water at the base of it. Austin was known as the father of Texas and brought 300 families to settle here back in 1825. I walked past a huge puddle on campus and I started to reflect to thoughts about my garden and the three days of rain we have just endured. There is something magical about rain, and I really don’t mind it. I rarely use an umbrella because it’s just water and it dries. I checked everything in the garden before I left for my trip yesterday and took a few pictures of the water puddled everywhere. I was glad all the water wasn’t bothering my plants, as my beds drain very well. I picked some sugar snap peas and tomatoes for my window. I put the peas in a stir fry for dinner with some tomatoes and a bell pepper from my fridge. It was sunny today so I am sure my garden loved finally seeing the sun. I got back from my trip and am headed on another trip to Dallas tomorrow. I am looking forward to a fun weekend away with my girls. Here’s to hoping for some beautiful sunny days, and if more rain comes, oh well…it’s just water and it dries.
I put a box on my head to run out in the rain to take these pictures. Downpours in Texas are beautiful at times.